Salsa Fest is Coming September 12!

Details and Entry Form


City of Good is a Boise nonprofit working to build a sustainable food system by supporting local food producers and ensuring equitable access to local food for all.

Our Work

Our Impact

Since March of 2020, City of Good has distributed over 100,000 nutritious, restaurant-made meals to children, refugees, seniors, and others lacking access to the food they need.
We’ve also distributed more than 50,000 pounds of local produce and over $45,000 worth of culturally-appropriate shelf stable goods to school pantries and early learning centers for kids to take home.
And we aren’t stopping now!
To support our momentum and keep building a sustainable food system in Boise, please consider a donation today.

“City of Good is amazing and is such an important partner. Their contributions ensure that we can address the barrier of food insecurity at our Community Schools. I’m so grateful for their commitment and thoughtfulness in looking for creative and sustainable ways to bridge the gap for our families.”

Jenny Hirst, Community School Coordinator, Taft Elementary